Monday, December 29, 2008

Great Balls of ...COLOR!!!

These are the colorful new light displays in our wonderful New Years Eve Ball that is dropped annually @ Times Square in New York City. Although the intent may only have been multiple colors with geometric designs I hope you enjoy the end results as much as I do! If you're there for an extended period of time enjoy every facet of Manhattan and beyond, in the least-window shopping on 5th Ave! Here's a the great link that I pulled all the photos from:

...........The ball on the right looks like images of the Star of David in green which is color that represents life! How wonderfully appropriate for a New Beginings in a New Year.

Welcome 2009!

I really like the multi-colored one with the white stars.

I love the blue and white it looks like snowflakes on a wintery night. It's difficult to choose a favorite they are all so beautiful.

Have a Safe and Happy New Year!!!

Have a Safe and Happy New Year!!!

My wish for you this New Year is that you learn from your mistakes, forgive the misgivings of others, find joy in the small things, rejoice in the big things, learn/give/&keep healthy boundaries for safe and fulfilling relationships and that you may come to know intimately the peace, love, and joy that only Christ can bring as your Lord and Savior.

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