Monday, December 29, 2008

Great Balls of ...COLOR!!!

These are the colorful new light displays in our wonderful New Years Eve Ball that is dropped annually @ Times Square in New York City. Although the intent may only have been multiple colors with geometric designs I hope you enjoy the end results as much as I do! If you're there for an extended period of time enjoy every facet of Manhattan and beyond, in the least-window shopping on 5th Ave! Here's a the great link that I pulled all the photos from:

...........The ball on the right looks like images of the Star of David in green which is color that represents life! How wonderfully appropriate for a New Beginings in a New Year.

Welcome 2009!

I really like the multi-colored one with the white stars.

I love the blue and white it looks like snowflakes on a wintery night. It's difficult to choose a favorite they are all so beautiful.

Have a Safe and Happy New Year!!!

Have a Safe and Happy New Year!!!

My wish for you this New Year is that you learn from your mistakes, forgive the misgivings of others, find joy in the small things, rejoice in the big things, learn/give/&keep healthy boundaries for safe and fulfilling relationships and that you may come to know intimately the peace, love, and joy that only Christ can bring as your Lord and Savior.

Ok..fitting... "Just another..."

1. What is the biggest mistake you made in 2008 and will not make again in 2009?
Not standing strong in spiritual warfare....let's just say this lead to unexpected stitches of which I still have to remove myself w/tweezers {alright-I banged on a book with the "safe end" of the scissors-they recommend banging on a chair in anger management classes [just don't break it or you could get "booked", ironically]} Let's just say I've learned what works and what doesn't!
2. Do you make New Year's resolutions?
Sometimes yes, other times no. This year I plan on exhibiting my paintings in 3 art shows (the minimum allowance b4 you're required to get a business licence) My hubby is sweet and gifted with numbers and has offered to help figure out the taxes.
3. Why or why not?
For someone who struggles with procrastination, setting goals and stating them out loud also specifically sharing them with others helps motivate said person to get them accomplished. ;)
4. Who do you nominate as “Man or Woman of the Year” for 2008?
I'd nominate Jesus but he's alive in so many hearts, too many people would show up! ;) . . . so I vote for my hubby. He has overcome some personal struggles with emotional abuse and has come out stronger and healthier than ever, he's gotten a 4.o in his classes while working on his Masters Degree online after putting in 40hrs a week on the job. He is compassionate, loving, and although flawed as we all are, a strong man of God! I love you Jason L. Phillips.
5. What was your greatest accomplishment in 2008?
 "Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for My sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you." Matthew 5:11,12

It's not Sunday, however...

This is right over the river out our front door.

Attitude of Gratitude #1

After being encouraged by a pastor that either Gods Word(the Bible) is all true or it's all a lie-as in- if we can't believe Jesus' own words here in Mark 10:30 to be true neither can we believe John 3:16...or 17 or 18 etc. I was faithful to give our last $25 out of obedience, wondering "Am I a good wife? . . . we have barely enough to get by"... God put it on someones heart to give us $200! "pressed down, ...overflowing..."Luke 6:38 let's see... reconnected with my niece after over a year of no contact... and restoration slowly with some family members... quite a lovely Christmas from My Lord... Thank you Jesus for everything ~ Lovingly, your daughter, Tiffany Renee

Friday, December 26, 2008

"The Fruit of the Spirit is Love..." Gal. 5:22

Let's see... Turkey meals, toilet paper, facial art, burnt cake, stick shifts, pregnant ladies & Divine appointments.... I'd say it was "captivating", absolutely "captivating"! ~ :p

We miss you Cindy, Serenity and Kylie Ann!
~ Jason&Tiffany

Serenity~You thought that was somethin' you should see Jason up to his thighs in snow up here in Spokane! For lil' ol' Wallyworld though I suppose it's quite a bit! Nice jacket college gal~Tiffany
Well Kylie, my sweet neice, I hope you enjoy your lunch with your mom today. Is this one of those snap a shot quick let's see if I get my whole face things? You still look so much like your mom in this pic that it reminds me of when she was pregnant with Serenity in FL. Cute glasses!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Holiday Blessings!

A grateful blogger brought my own blessings to mind she made a list of what the Lord has done recently for her, thanx Dana! See her list: I started with her quote->"...He was taking care of us. .. So, I decided to make a list of how I have seen the Lord answer our prayer for provision":

1. The church had some pears and onions and potatoes... I got to share the pears and a book with a neighbor. 2. My husband got to the store to get bread and basic essentials including my medications with very limited bus scheduals due to nast weather. 3. Jason(my hubby) found favor in working from home when stranded at home on Thurs. because of nearly 20 inches of snow and ok from employer for Friday to take the day off; a 3 day weekend where we battled it out on the chess board. 4. Jason took home an ipod holder thingy(not your tech-savvy gal) (we need the ipod now) but it gets excellent reception of radio stations and I can wake up to music! 6. We got boots that fit and were weather/snow tight the first night of the storm (Jason didn't have any/mine didn't fit) [His provision is always right on time-never too early, never too late] 7. For our ornament exchange we were blessed with very large (softball size) ornament decorations that had candy in them. (also favor to select first monthly gift from his work.) 8. We recieved a 4-sliced toaster from another drawing thru his work- now we have a toaster to give away! 9. Our neighbor gave us a box of choclates just in time for Christmas (obviously not a necessity yet He delights in giving us the desires of our hearts even in little things Ps.37:4) 10. I sold our parakeets to a safe home-a very sweet person who's home a lot and takes good care of them- We got to make the exchange on Thanksgiving Day. 11. Friends who were sensitive to the Spirit's leading have prayed for us this season... 12. The girl across the street got to work on the worst day of the storm and I was blessed to chat with her while we shoveled her drive and also greet some other neighbors. 13. The Lord has given me so much peace and wisdom about relationships where others have been abusive in the past. Christ is all about forgiveness and healthy relationships...So I pray you find many things to be grateful for through Christ alone this holiday season and remember His wonderful promises .... "ask and you shall recieve, knock and the door will be opened, seek and you shall find." Don't forget " You have not because you ask not" and "His Word will not return unto Him void".... Have fun looking up the scriptures if you don't already know them--there's a Bible link on the bottom of this page! Sing carols, drink hot chocolate or hot apple cider and relax with your loved ones this Christmas....they are some of the most precious gifts in addition to salvation the reason for the season.

Monday, December 15, 2008

A Bright Holiday!

The ornament exchange was so much fun~I made this ornament online @ May the Lord keep you and your loved ones safe this Christmas. Luke 4:10 " is written, 'God will put his angels in charge of you to watch over you ... for itis written, 'HE WILL COMMAND HIS ANGELS CONCERNING YOU TO GUARD YOU"

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Jesus & Santa

This was copied and pasted from another blogger, if you enjoy Santa Clause with your children I believe St. Nick was a great example of showing Gods love but still think this is really neat. :D
Santa Claus lives at the North Pole...JESUS is everywhere(Acts 15:8).Santa Claus rides in a sleigh...JESUS walks on the water(____). Santa Claus comes but once a year...JESUS is an ever present help(Ps. 46:1). Santa Claus fills your stockings with goodies... JESUS supplies all your needs(Philipians 4:19).Santa Claus comes down your chimney uninvited... JESUS stands at your door and knocks, and then enters your heart when invited(Mttw.7:8). You have to wait in line to see Santa Claus...JESUS is as close as the mention of His name(Isaiah65:24). Santa Claus lets you sit on his lap...JESUS lets you rest in His arms(Mttw.11:28). Santa Claus doesn't know your name, all he can say is "Hi little boy (or girl,) what's your name?"...JESUS knew our name before we did. Not only does He know our name, He knows our address too. He knows our history and future and He even knows how many hairs are on our heads(Ps. 139). Santa Claus has a belly like a bowl full of jelly...JESUS has a heart full of love(1 John 4:16). All Santa Claus can offer is HO HO HO...JESUS offers health, help and hope(Romans8:24;Mark1:34). Santa Claus says "You better not cry"...JESUS says "Cast all your cares on me for I care for you.(1Peter 5:7).Santa's little helpers make toys...JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts, repairs broken homes and builds mansions

(2 Corinthians 5:18). Santa Claus is a "jolly old elf"... JESUS is the King of Kings(Rev.19:6). Santa Claus may make you chuckle but...JESUS gives you joy that is your strength(Psalms). While Santa Claus puts gifts under your tree...JESUS became our gift and died on a tree.(Gospels)
Santa wants you to share toys...
Jesus wants you to share love and him and his Word.(Mttw.28:19)!!!